okay. be prepared for a great ride ahead.
i was reading Benedict's blog and he shared his experience for his Mission Trip to KL. he even shared a sermon that Pastor Joshua taught them, and i thought it would be nice to share it here too=)
Receiving The Anointing To Move In Signs and Wonders!
1. Praying Strongly in Tongues!
this, basically, is the ultimate most important gift to practise. Pastor Joshua gave them a illustration - An Electric Kettle.
when we pray in tongues, it isn't us who prays, but its the Holy Spirit who gives us utterance! and because its the Holy Spirit giving us utterance, we should feel stronger and stronger as we continue praying for long hours.
back to the electric kettle, when the kettle is turned on, current flows from the main socket and right into the coil, thus heating the water up in the kettle.
similarly, when we pray in tongues, we receive the Holy Spirit into our bodies. the longer we "boil", the hotter it gets. so, when we spend time praying strongly in tongues, it is the amount of hours which your Spiritman is built up and that is the anointing you receive.
you may say that speaking in tongues is something of the devil, or its weird. the devil have definately done a great job in some churches because they do not believe in tongues and they would never speak in tongues either.
but, would God give us a gift that would harm us? the reason why there are so many misconceptions is because the devil himself is AFRAID of us speaking in tongues. when we speak in tongues, it is the Holy Spirit that is praying in us and it takes us into the Spiritual Realm. when we start speaking in tongues, the devils and even satan himself would PEE in their pants and flee! Hallelujah!
back to God, would he give us a gift that would harm us? NO!
the bible NEVER states that praying in tongues is evil, nor does it say that praying in tongues is weird. even the great Apostle Paul said, "I thank God that i pray in tongues more than you all."
another simple reason, would God give us a gift that would harm us? NO! God is not a God that He should lie! and the bible says that God, is a GOOD God! He gives GOOD gifts to his children and one of the gifts is speaking in tongues!
why did God give us the gift of speaking in tongues? so that we can all pray to Him in the Spirit!
you may speak many different languages, but there would be someone else who knows what you are talking about. but, speaking in tongues is different! only God knows what we're speaking about because its the Holy Spirit that's praying for us in us!
speaking in tongues, can never be and would never be bad!
back to the first point, Pastor Joshua shared that he would pray for 6 hours everyday for 2 years! Pastor Joshua was so into the spiritual realm that when he closed his eyes, he could see demonic forces floating all around him as clearly as he see things with his eyes open! that shows how powerful speaking in tongues is! taking us into the spiritual realm!
2. Worshipping in Tongues!
this is important as well. to move in signs and wonders, we got to lift people up into the spiritual level. Pastor Joshua shared that in Genesis 1:2-3 "And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. then God said, "let there be light"; and there was light."
few things happened here. firstly, the bible says that the Spirit of God hovered. what does that mean? it means that everyone feels the powerful presence of God when we worship God during service. that, my friends, is the Spirit of God HOVERING in the place!
the people can feel the presence of God in the place and that is what is meant by lifting them up into the Spiritual Realm.
secondly, the bible said that God said. GOD SPOKE! God said let there be light, and there was light! God did a miracle!
similarly, when people are lifted into this state, when you heal, they shall be healed and when you say "FALL!", they all would fall under the powerful presence of God!!
so, in order to lift people up to this Spiritual Realm, we always worship in the Spirit. worship is extremely important as it brings the presence of God into the place!
so, if you want to receive the anointing to move in signs and wonders, worship God in the Spirit and in Truth! worship God in tongues!!
3. Communing with the Holy Spirit!
simply, it means to talk to God! it's basically conversing with the Holy Spirit! every single day, every single moment when we're alone, communicate with the Holy Spirit!! tell Him all your worries, cares and all your heart desires! every single detail in your heart!
God knows our heart, but He wants us to speak it out!
communing with the Holy Spirit will make us grow in sensitivity to His voice! ain't that GREAT!?
4. Do NOTHING that Displeases The Holy Spirit!
Pastor Benny Hinn, the great faith preacher once had a experience. he was about to meet his relative for lunch when the Holy Spirit spoke to him, "come and commune with Me."
but, Pastor Benny Hinn told the Holy Spirit that he really wanted to meet up with his relative and he went on to meet him. so, that night during Pastor Benny Hinn's rally, he was UNABLE to perform any miracle! everyone was puzzled as they expected to see something, but the presence of God was not present.
thus, Pastor Benny Hinn stopped the rally and went back to his hotel room, broke down and repented of his disobedience.
the next day, Pastor Benny Hinn did MANY powerful miracles!!
so, when the Holy Spirit calls us to do something, once, twice or three times, JUST DO IT! never ever displease the Holy Spirit!
5. Mixing with Anointed People!
it simply means to mix around with people who have the strong anointing to move in signs and wonders! we got to learn from them, talk to them, keep in touch with them if we know them!! Pastor Joshua learnt via videos about powerful faith preaches like Pastor Benny Hinn, Pastor Kong etc etc.
as we mix around with such people, their anointing rubs off onto us and we get "infected!"
praise the Lord!
6. The Word of God.
this simply means reading the bible everyday and immensing ourselves in the written word of God, or "logos" in greek terms. speaking in tongues, communing with the Holy Spirit, worshipping in tongues, mixing with anointed people would enable the Holy Spirit to speak through the "Rhema" or "Spoken Word" of God!
besides receiving the Rhema from God, we got to submit ourselves to the authority of the bible! thats just to submit ourselves to the Logos of God and to read our bibles!!
as simple as ABC!!
so, in conclusion, if we want to receive the anointing to move in signs and wonders, we got to speak in tongues powerfully! we got to communicate with the Holy Spirit and mix around with people who have this anointing!! most of all, we can't do things that would displease the Holy Spirit. we got to stay strong in times of temptations and especially when the devil launches Spiritual Warfare on us.
lastly, we need to submit ourselves to the authority of the Logos!!
remember, we do not go after signs and wonders. but, signs and wonders will FOLLOW us when we do these things faithfully. there is a great sacrifice to be made, but God's a GREAT God! Hallelujah!!
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