3 different speakers today for 3 different services. though they preached different sermons, but they all link to 1 word and that 1 word is called faith.
having the faith to please God and having a faith that not only speaks, but does actions too!
i was blessed to serve through service 4 and 5. so in 1 day, i've listened to 2 pastors preached about a great message called faith. though it was a little hard concentrating listening to pastor, screening the congregation and listening to instructions through the ear piece at the same time, i started to get used to it and even "ignored" the message that isn't meant for me.
praise God as He created man to be multi taskers too~ lolz=)
at service 6, i was assigned to outpost. i had to goto a place where the ushers count the offerings. as a security, my duty is to overlook the counting and to check on the televisons for signs of weird happenings.
my first "case" was when i spotted a couple seated at the stairways for quite sometime. i radioed the rangers, but i wasn't able to give them the exact location, so they had to comb all the stairways that led to B4. but, thank God after 15 minutes of "romancing", the couple left.
the place where the offerings were counted is extremely small. i had to take huge steps over piles of envelopes and sometimes people just to open the door for other ushers. when i wasn't checking on the televisions, i would be staring at the ushers, making sure that they do not pocket the offerings.
the responsiblity of a security is extremely high in that place. wherever the usher went or did, they would report to the duty security personnal first. movements in and out of the place would be recorded and entry is only by identification.
first day being in that place was really an eye opener. though it was a little boring, but i had to be alert throughout the time and keep my eyes open and stay as alert as possible. it really gave me the self discipline, else i would have slacked and fell asleep on the chair.
something off topic - a few of the ushers counting the offerings are quite attractive~ lolz=)
well, thats what happens when you get stuck with girls in a place. you got nothing to do, cept to look at them and watch them count the offerings. loLz=)
oh yah. lee nanxing went for service too!! well, when we received news that he's in the church building, 1 of the security personnal asked if zoe tay was present~ lolz=) tried to spot lee nanxing from my position, but everyone looks the same to me~ so i wasn't really able to get a nice view of him=P
learnt something else today. i was assigned to carry the pulpit when pastor walks up the stage. the pulpit is extremely heavy!! thank God my hands didn't slip else it would cause a huge shock throughout the auditorium.
after 1 whole day, it was the presence of God that kept me going. i didn't have time to take my breakfast and lunch, but i didn't feel extremely hungry or tired serving God. i felt energized whenever His presence came and touched us. its such a joy to worship God in His presence and its the joy of serving God that enpowers us.
even till now, i've yet to take my dinner. though its really not healthy to do so, but i don't feel hungry. well, for sure i would be eating afterwards, so no worries=P
the Manna of God has come!
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