Saturday, February 05, 2005

okiEe~ something really cool happened on my journey to cellgroup meeting=)


a cactus is able to survive in the harsh environment of the sahara desert. there is little rain and cloud cover too, so that means that it would be extremely hot in the day and extremely cold at night.

but how is a cactus able to survive such weathers and grow!?

their roots go DEEP into the soil in search of water.

relating to our journey with Christ, we should be like the cactus! not only our foundations should go extremely deep, we grow best in the bad times.

why is it that we grow BEST during bad times? its always easy to praise God when we're on cloud number 9. but its always a challenge to trust and praise God during our difficult times. during these times, our faith is greatly challenged and its during this time when we get stretched and grow stronger in the Lord.

but, things can go the other way too.

back to cactus.

when the sandstorms come, the cactus doesnt move an inch because its foundations are deep into the ground. same goes for us! when the devil tries to attack us, not only we do not buldge, we would be able to stand strong for the kingdom of God!

notice that cactus have spikes? in science, its to reduce the amount of water being vaporated. but taking it into context of Christ, the spikes is the double edged sword that we carry! its the word of God!

IF someone tries to take a cactus away, the spikes (double edged sword) would hurt the person! just like how we defeat the devil with the word of God!

if today, you're facing difficult situations in your life and you're thinking of giving up, please do think about how a cactus lives and survives. it may not be the most beautiful plant on earth, but its the strongest plant because it is able to survive in the most harsh environment.

do you want to be a beautiful rose but wither after a period of time, or do you want to be a cactus that stands strong and firm on the word of God?

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