what if tomorrow is your last day on earth? are you assured of going to heaven? or would you be spending eternity with the evil one?
good works won't bring you to heaven, only Jesus Christ can.
eternity with God, or the devil, who would you choose?
if you think that you're still young and you can "delay" this decision, are you able to stop things from happening around you, that may cause death?
Jesus Christ has redeemed us from the evil one, yet many people rejected Him. many will turn to false prophets during the end times and reject the true gospel. why is that so? because people want to take the easy way out.
in life, there is NO shortcuts. if you desire to be a 50 year old retiree now, you don't become one over night. you have to wait till your 50th birthday than you're a 50 year old retiree.
is accepting Christ that difficult? is believing His word that difficult? do you not even have faith on the almighty God that created the heavens and the earth?
Jesus Christ DIED on the cross for our sins. He was sinless, yet He bore our sins and died on the cross. He took away our sin, shame and guilt but He doesn't take away our problems, habits and difficulties.
BUT in the bible, it says that we will be filled with the Holy Spirit, who would guide us and lead us with the renewing of the mind!
or are you expecting an instant miracle pill to drop from heaven that takes away every single problem, debt and habits?
when you're a born again in Christ, you're a new creation in God's eye. you're called children of God! why? because of Jesus Christ. without Him, this relationship can NEVER be restored and we would all end up in hell!
so WHY did Jesus Christ come to earth, in a human form, and die for us in the cross? because God loves us! He LONGS after our hearts and wants to fellowship with us!!
if going to church and cellgroup once a week is hard to cope, why is watching TV faithfully everyday easy? if reading the bible makes you fall asleep or its boring, why do you read the newspaper every morning without fail?
people can come up with millions of reason not to go church. but i've one very good reason for you to go church, and thats because God wants YOU to know Him and He has a great plan for you.
salvation is not a one time process. its a life time, life changing process.
remember this, God chose you and gave you this ONE chance to accept Him into your life... do you want to lose this salvation?
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