Thursday, July 28, 2005

- warning! LONG entry today=) -

read half of benny hinn's the anointing in one afternoon~

i'm so engrossed in the book~ benny hinn shared his experience walking with the Holy Spirit, and the anointing he receives through the Holy Spirit. its amazing how the anointing progresses and how benny hinn moves powerfully in the realm of the Spirit.

reading that book has made me realized that i don't even know the Holy Spirit~ loLz~ there's still loads of untapped power in Him and loads more for me to find out about Him.

we've to fellowship with Him, the Holy Spirit, as a person! for this year alone, i think this word fellowship and intimate relationship has come hand in hand.

benny hinn shared that when he prays, he waits for the presence of the Holy Spirit. it can take a long time and when the Holy Spirit steps into his room, tears just flow down his face. then when he starts praying, its so much more effective.

i really admire benny hinn and the way God is using him to touch millions of people. not only that, i truly admire the intimate relationship he has with the Lord. you can say that i'm spiritually jealous~ heh=P

i really pray that i'll be able to experience what he experience every night in his room, kneeling and waiting upon the Lord. then when the Holy Spirit steps into my room, i'll just spend more time worshipping Him.

i do not just want to stand at the outer courts, but i want to be in the holies of holies, where God is. i want my everyday life to be Spirit-filled, to be an exciting encounter with the Holy Spirit. it will not be just a once-in-a-while feeling, but the presence of God ALWAYS IN my life.

being sensitive to the Holy Spirit, being obedient to Him and yielding to Him would allow the Holy Spirit to anoint us a little more. when He sees that we're trustable with the power, He adds more.

can you imagine how much benny hinn went through, the anointing upon his life and he says that he's still learning from other people and from the Holy Spirit as well.

there's something different about showmanship and pride.

the glory goes to God, not himself. without the Holy Spirit, he's unable to do anything; no miracles! but with the Holy Spirit, benny hinn's a co-worker and together, he obeys what the Spirit says and the Spirit does what He does best!!

i don't know about you, but it has certainly made me thirst for more of the anointing of the Holy Spirit in my life and wanting to experience more of Him in my life.

i've to constantly cruxify my selfish desires and flesh in order to yield to the Holy Spirit. its no longer i who lives, but Christ who lives in me. you realize that selfish desires has always been in your mind when the Holy Spirit luminates your mind, you realize that the reason why you wanna be this or that is because of the benefits or authority you gonna have.

the Holy Spirit doesn't work this way and He wouldn't come and manifest in you. God is looking for a pure and willing heart, a heart thats purely after Him, that doesn't care about the benefits and authority he may receive.

but God is looking for that someone who is willing to do anything and will put Him first and only in His heart. in order words, someone who's willing to lay down his life, in exchange for all of Him. someone humble, obedient and brave.

one way to that is to become dead to self.


i had a three hours break and i logged into Pastor Ulf's website and watched Another Day Of Victory. though it was just a 30 minute sermon, preached in CHC recently, i was greatly blessed by the word of God.

Pastor Ulf shared about calling. that we're called to Christ, called to salvation. its not a one time process, but its a life long process that everyone goes through. he also shared that there should be unity in the body of Christ, then the power of God would be demostrated throughout the earth.

on the day of the Pentecost, the disciples and thousands others were united in prayer in the upper room. then the Holy Spirit came in power and filled everyone. within hours, the first church is birth - 3000 members!!

when Jesus was on earth, He was united in thoughts and in Spirit with the Holy Spirit and Father God. thus Jesus was able to perform miracles through the anointing of the Holy Spirit and Father God got the glory through Jesus because Jesus was a human being.

all the miracles wouldn't be possible without the Holy Spirit. He comes with the anointing (power) and He's ON EARTH WITH US!!!

have you neglected the Holy Spirit in your everyday life? i certainly did and i want to yield to the Holy Spirit, my encourager, comforter, strength and companion.

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