Joel, I baptise you in the name of the Father, Son and The Holy Spirit!
4 December 2005 will remain as a very special day for my walk with God because its the day that i get baptised!
nothing dramatic happened, no voices from heaven or doves landing on me, but something spiritual happened! my old man has DIED and i'm a new man now!! with the power of the Holy Spirit and the devil will NEVER get to control me anymore! muahhAha!!
another special thing is that i'm the last person to get baptised in the Jurong West premises! haha!! so cool!! the VERYVERY last person~ =P even pastor aries and pastor audrey were saying that i'm very blessed~ loL=P
btw, my baptism name is Jerome. but pastor aries called me joel instead!! hahaZz~ i guess coz he knows my name, if not, he simply read the first name on my sticker~ =P
took a lot of pictures!! so fun!! for the first time i was so excited about taking pictures!! hahazz! i practically ran everywhere to look for friends, in wet shirt n shorts, to take pictures=P but i've only received a few pictures~ faster send me the pictures!! =P
thanks to charmaine, my official photographer, sijia, who took loads of pictures for me, taifong, who took a few snapshots for me and fajin, who took a few snapshots of me too=D
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