Friday, April 25, 2008

One of the best joy someone can receive is knowing that he's restored and accepted back into the kingdom of God.

Though this process may take a long time, I'm determined to break through and meet Him in the Holy of Hollies.

Isn't God just so amazing? when I'm faithless, He remains faithful to me. Its like the parable of the lost son, I ran away from Him into the wilderness. Day and night, God waits for me to return. When I finally return, He restores me back into position. Though I may not feel worthy, but He says its worth it.

I can never hide from Him. He's omnipotent, omniscient. He KNOWS everything that I've done! Do you know what's everything? It's EVERY SINGLE THING! Tell me now, how do you hide from Him?

The first step towards God is always so difficult. But after taking that first step, you find strength, joy and fulfillment. You begin to realize how much you may have missed out. Though this is not the end of the testings, but I believe with a broken and contrite Spirit, He's able to lead me out of the valleys.

Today is the day of my salvation. Today is the day of my re-dedication to the Lord Jesus Christ. Today is the beginning of everlasting eternity reigning as King and Priest with my Father God!



oh yah. i saw ASIA in my Spirit. ASIA! NORTHEAST ASIA! I saw in my mind, Asia, a continent, in front of me. I asked for more, I saw Northeast Asia. I asked for more, I heard the word teach. I heard myself say, Father, I'll teach Your word. I'll teach your word in Asia, in Northeast Asia!

I've made that prayer, its commited between me and God. It's written on His palm, that I'll teach His word. I'll minister to His people.


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