Especially worst when the memories do seem somewhat similar to the situations/circumstance. Then random negative thoughts start filling up your mind and you kinda start feeling down and defeated.
Put on e mind of Christ, the bible says.
So one can only assume that daily, regularly and habitually, one HAS to put ON the mind of Christ. Its not a natural thing to do, but after developing it, I suppose it should become something as natural as putting on clothes, or even brushing teeth twice daily.
When one puts on the mind of God, how are the negative thoughts dissipated? Its very unlikely that mindless repetitive confession of a bible verse would help, UNLESS its a Rhema Word from God.
The Word is a lamp onto our feet. The Word gives very clear directions. And the Word, the Logos, resides in our mind. It becomes a Rhema when it strikes a chord with our heart and immediately the mind is renewed.
And when its a Rhema Word, the repetitive confession of a bible verse helps because one BELIEVES in it. The mind then renews because the heart is convinced.
The truth of the matter, is the heart.
Guard your heart, for out of it springs the issues of life.
How do we guard our hearts?
Everyday we choose to believe what we want to believe in. A rich man can believe that he's in poverty and chooses to work extra time to earn extra cash, yet a not-so-rich man can believe that he's living in abundance and chooses to spend time with his family.
If I choose to believe that people are against me, then people ARE against me. Which results in my heart being heavily guarded and defensive against people, because I believed that they are against me and they will hurt me. So in order not to be hurt by them, I build walls all around my heart.
Circumstances, encounters and experiences can change beliefs. Praise God for the good ones as they strengthen our beliefs in others, in ourselves.
But the bad ones? They too can become a stepping stone and probably some of the most important decisions ever made is during tough times. Decisions like letting go, forgiving and choosing to love.
Always not easy to guard our hearts. Sometimes we have been so wounded, its so difficult. Heartbreak can be literally felt and as you cry out, it feels like no one understands.
Yet there is a High Priest who does understand, and He never fails to be with me.
I may feel alone, but I never am.
What am I believing in? Its not just about the positive confessions... But what do I really believe in?
Let there be a rhema, to renew my mind.
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