woah~ holidays should be this relaxing and fun.
last night, i had a crazy idea. i met up with herman and we had supper together, then i had to craving to play mahjong as its been quite sometime since i last played. so, without hesitating, i asked herman if he's interested and we started to look for people to join us.
we managed to get only weilun, but we didn't care if we were short of 1. hAaz=P
we played mahjong till 6am? but we didn't count our total winnings as we played for fun=P had a great time playing and winning! wOohOo! herman ALWAYS throws tiles that i need to game=) hahaz!!
went to sleep, and woke up at 3 when weilun called me. this time, we're going to salvation army to play basketball.
there's a indoor sports hall that's air conditioned and there's basketball, badminton and table tennis. quite a cool place, with John 14:8 (i think) printed on the wall, in 4 different languages. they were playing praise and worship songs in the background too, so as to lift the presence of God.
i played like total crap. it's quite hard to sweat there as the aircon is quite powerful. i felt quite cool and i could not sweat much. i guess i need to sweat loads so that i would be warmed up, but i wasn't able to=/
we didn't play seriously too. mostly playing rubbish defense and attacks. hAhaz=P
at 6pm, we were called together for a time called devotion. a member of the salvation army would speak to us on a topic - What Is My Purpose On Earth? well, he shared his personal testimony but not much on God. he simply said that man's purpose is to serve God, yet he didn't go into details. perhaps if he did, it would have touched the hearts of many. i could feel the presence of God when we prayed together, and its a great way to reach out to youths, as long as they realise the purpose of the gathering.
but, i felt a little awkward when devotion finished. everyone continued playing their games, like nothing happened earlier. if they broke us up into smaller groups and discussed about the topic, it would benefit to those that have doubts in their mind.
i felt paisehz too. we seemed to be treating the place, food and services for granted. they prepared sandwiches, breads and buns for snacks, orange juice for drinks. everyone helped themselves with it and some of them even littered the place.
when the venue closed at 8.30, i helped to pick up the rubbish and threw them away. salvation army is really generous to open up their sports hall and even prepare food for us, i guess thats the least i could do to return the kindess.
salvation army is a very homely place too. saw many parents and kids running about, playing with each other on sundays. even their officals joined in to play soccer with the kids and kids were practically storming around the entire sports hall. hAhaz=P
aye, freezing in the room again=/
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