was kinda tired as i had school earlier, but the excitment of everyone really gave me strength. decided not to be the gloomy face around~ loLz=P
Keeve and i were leading games and in the beginning, i was stunned by my own cellgroup member. when i started to explain the details of the games, Keeve started singing the birthday song and boonteck appeared out of no where with a birthday cake.
i really didn't expect them to celebrate my birthday before cellgroup started, as its usually celebrated after cellgroup.
its really very scary to have 2 cellgroup celebrating your birthday and everyone screaming into your ear. Charmaine had the honours to scream right into my ear and i was almost deaf~ lolz=P
peace restored and i was allowed to explain the game.
we played wacko as an ice breaker and it was really funny~ there were supposed to have 2 names being called out at the same time, but we could only manage with 1 name. it was really fast~
then we played a game that required the members to pass down a message. it was really funny listening to the final message and its totally different from the orginal message.
Keeve ended the game with a really great word. he shared that the game is like people gossiping. usually, the message will be mixed up and it wouldn't mean what the orginal message means. its so true, and thats actually what i learnt in Human Communication recently.
then we had our prize giving.
i was given a transformer award and mr. N272~ lolz~
reason why transformer? read my previous entry=P
mr. N272!? i've NO IDEA! i really thought it would be reuben as he really impacted and made loads of difference to the lives of sheena, victoria and rachel. since day 1, i looked upon him as a leader and i wanted to be like him, always armed with a smile and a great word.
he's like always on a 24 hours standby. when you need him, he's there for you~ praying and encouraging you.
EUGENE! really glad that you bothered to come, and amist all those thoughts you had, i'm really shocked and encouraged that you're back!! welcome back brosie~ and let that fire burn wild=) don't be afraid of what your thinking. let the love of God fill you once again=) allow Him to heal you...
its my birthday today!! wHee!!
shall talk about the gifts that i received...
2 Fila shirts from my cellgroup. pretty cool~ i would be wearing them, don't worry=)
2 Precious Moments Figurines!!!!
this is called Serenity Prayer Boy.
and this is called Onward Christian Soldiers, together with Prayer Boy=)
beautiful right!?
hAaz=D=D lurve them...
i've received a SL65 for my birthday, Christmas too~ given by my mom and sister =)
recieved a USB torch from PM Lee Hsieng Loong. (actually, my sister)
received a chocolate bar and soap from Victoria~ (gift xchange...)
hahaZz~ its been really great... celebrations this year were totally different from last year=)
so, today is the last day of the year and there's celebrations around. but lets not forget about the people who are suffering after the tsunami, people who lost their loved ones and people who are suffering right now...
lets all pray for them. the power of prayers is unbelieveable.
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