i've decided to...
praise God no matter what happens... ultimately, God is first in my life and there's no one else who can replace Him.
Pastor John Avanzini said - "Jesus I Believe in You, Jesus I Belong to You"
the 2 phrases is part of a song, "With All I Am", a song that we sing almost everyweek. Pastor John Avanzini repeated these phrases out and said that it will never mean the same again.
i'm starting to understand what he means...
Jesus I Believe in You, Jesus I Belong to You.
believing in Jesus needs faith, and only faith. faith work miracles and only faith pleases God. faith is something that isn't there, but its there. you have faith in God, because God, Himself, work by faith and the Holy Spirit is God. so, we HAVE the faith of God.
we belong to Jesus. He paid the price for our sins and bought us with a cost - His blood. so, everything on us belongs to Him. we're His stewards and we ought to look after this body that He has given us.
so, since we belong to Jesus, we ought to obey Him and fulfill the tasks He assigned to us. our calling, ministry or cellgroup is one of the many ways where we can serve God and please Him.
my calling - i've dreams and visions of being a preacher, preaching in great crowds and when the altar call is given, i see thousands of hands in the air, and thousands making their way down to the front.
i've always been very emotional during altar calls and when i see many hands in the air, i would cry out in joy, thanking God for such a great salvation in their lives. i've no idea why i do that, but there was once, during children church, the ENTIRE auditorium was filled with kids and when they all raised their hands, i started to tear...
perhaps thats my calling...
my ministry - security. a ministry where i'm supposed to grow to become a man of God. steadfast, decisive and consistant.
i really want to be a man of God. to be a great pillar of strength and a leader that people would look up to. a leader that leads by example and brings the team from point A to point B. a leader that is able to encourage, listen and bless his friends, cg members or anyone...
my cellgroup - its been 1 year 2 months i've been with the cellgroup. there has been changes and challenges. learning to accept one another was one of the challenge placed in front of me. rising up was definiately a great challenge for me.
i wasn't really discipled but went through loads of talk with venetia, my former CGL. if i had to chose someone whom i look up to, its only venetia.
she has certainly inspired me to grow and rise up in the CG. her patience and undying love really touched me and i never felt uncomfortable with her. whenever i feel troubled or stuck, she would talk to me even without me telling her about it.
things has certainly changed in the cellgroup. i've been given loads of responsibilties. i'm giving bible studies to 2 boys. i've been teaching them, but recently there were too many things on and because of my school ending late on fridays, i'm unable to give them bible studies.
it has been really frustrating because they want to know more, but i'm unable to provide. days can be changed, locations can be arranged. but it needs to be properly done and ensured that its able to last the distance. i wouldn't want a repeat of history when their school starts next year...
last year december, i was just a 18 year old boy who just got into polytechnic and received Christ into his heart. one year on, i'm 19 years old and thinking back, 1 year has really felt so long... i felt that i did so much in 1 year for God, myself and others...
definitely there were some who would disagree with me, but as much as i can, i will help everyone that crossed my path. people that God placed in my life as well as my family members...
i don't know who reads this blog, but if you read all the way to this very end, i thank you from the bottom of my heart...
thank you for carrying my vision with me, thank you for supporting me silently, thank you for critising me and most of all, thank you for reading this diary of mine...
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