Sunday, June 11, 2006

what is an irritating person? is he someone that talks too much or tries too hard to be someone else?

personally, an irritating person is an insensitive person. he does things without much consideration, talks without thinking and is often oblivious to his surroundings.

sometimes you may think that you're not an irritating person, but to somebody else, your actions and speech makes them feel irritated. why? i don't know too! because in Deuteronomy 29:29, it says "The secret things belong to the Lord our God"

maybe when we go up to heaven one day, God would reveal to us the things that we never understood. perhaps we would then be really ashamed of ourselves because of the foolish things that we did.

sometimes God deals with you indirectly. He sends somebody into your life and treats you the way you treat other people.

you want to be loved? then love others first. always placing others before self, without a motive should always be the mentality of ours.

i may have the potential to be the Mr. Gentleman of the universe, but because of my selfish desires, i would be stripped off the title and it would be given to somebody else who's willing to rise up.

you may think, "aiyah.. i'm still young, still got many more years ahead of me" but what you would never know is that your foundation is already cracked the moment you make this statement. with that crack in your foundation, the devil can come in easily and cause you to go off course.

ok.. i'm out of point, anyway, this is quite an random post and i'm not directing at anyone=)
hmm.. why is blogger in chinese today? heh.. weird..

anyway, i've about 4 more weeks of "freedom" before i'm being transported to pulau tekong for 2 years of service to the nation.

as the saying goes, "its the place where boys turn into man."

i've heard many friends share their experience, and some older generations sharing with me their "sob" story because they had lesser pay, tougher trainings and lack of welfare. but many shared with me of what to expect inside because the people i'll meet inside may be far from what i can imagine.

basically, national service is like going for weekly camps at a far away place, being seperated from everyone else and the occational confinments, field camps and overseas training.

it wouldn't be bad for those singletons because they do not have much "responsibilities". but those lovely dudly BFs would probably suffer abit more because of the seperation. some people would even "encourage" you by saying that your GF is probably flirting with some other guys.

heh. not only that, pampered children would definitely not get used to camp food for the first few days. thank God i'm not a picky eater (sometimes). so i'll just gobble down whatever food thats given to me, if it tastes ok, and not make a big fuss about wanting mcdonalds =P

but i guess its gonna be really fun. imagine getting a really great buddy in the army, one thats great to work with, willing to work and serve hard, encourages and edifies, my army experience would definitely be a great one!

going through thick and thin together, helping one another cover our backs, slack during guard duties and stuffs like that would be so enjoyable because of a wonderful buddy=)

i think its really time for me to mature in my thinking. got to have the wisdom of God in every espect of my life. no longer thinking just for my selfish desires and needs, but about meeting other people needs.

about enlarging my capacity, stretching my limits to reach the next level. i know its never gonna be easy because its always easier to flow a fuse than to control the voltage. but once the damage is done, it is forever there.

i think i've done enough damage and in my last 4 weeks, i do not want to induce further damage. i just want to enter national service knowing that everything is ok, under control and smooth flowing.

saying is always easier, but when the situation comes, the action seems hard to perform. every part of our brain would scream out in harmony, inflicting anger cells and boiling blood. before we know it, another scar is formed, damage done.

then when you calm down and realized how foolish you were, you spend another 30 minutes trying to pacify the other party, explaining your actions and asking for forgiveness.

all these trouble can be saved if only we control our emotions and think about the words that are proceeding out of our tongue. watching our body language is also very important because communication is about body language too.

standing too close to someone or simply having a irritated look can turn someone off and spoil the day. so observe not just our tongue, but our body language too!!

gosh. how did this entry turn out to be a communication lesson? heh.. anyway, its late.

snooze time!