Friday, June 29, 2012

City Harvest Church

Its 3 days after. Figured that I would be too emotionally charged up to write something that makes sense.

Firstly, my stand is "Standing with City Harvest Church. I won't be who I am, if not for what they have done." And very interestingly, it was picked up by Wall Street Journal.

Anyway, my reasons are relatively simple. Besides my natural family being here for me for the past 28 years, CHC has been a constant source of encouragement, inspiration and character development.

Through the Word of God, I have been transformed and through the preaching of the Word, I have grew in faith; not just in God and in His Word, but also in myself.

In Church, I learned about living beyond my comfort zone, serving and meeting the needs of others and living my life based on the Word of God. I do not claim that I am the "perfected" one. I still make mistakes and get discipled. But at the end of the day, its always for the betterment of me.

In Church, I served in various ministries like Security, City Harvest Community Services Association and the Cell-Group Ministry. In was in such ministries, I learned more about myself as I served others. Such experiences gave me the opportunity to connect with various ones, lead teams, witness transformation in lives and meeting needs. If I were not in Church, I'd probably be quite a narrow minded, cynical and selfish person.

In Church, I learned to give. Yes, I tithe 10% of my gross income to CHC, every month. And yes, I also give to my Mom monthly too. Was it difficult to manage my finances? Yes, definitely. My ever increasing phone bill, insurance and investments, transport costs, food and all. But I am a believer of sowing and reaping. God is my provider and He provides for me. Yes, there are days I struggle, yet somehow, He provides.

I also appreciate my family for providing for my studies and daily needs as well, I thank God for my family daily and though I do not express it enough, I am really grateful to be in the Kuek family.

Were there times when I got too emotional and gave beyond my means? Yes, but everything turned out fine. God came through, miracles happen and all is fine.

From an outsider point of view, you might not understand why we do what we do. My family has reminded me time and time again, and I appreciate it. It keeps me in check. But if you, as a friend/stranger/concerned citizen, tell me what to do.. Who gave you the rights? Thank you for being concerned, but if you do not understand (or think you understand) please try not to give "constructive" comments. You may not understand, until you are part of the vision.

I thank God that on social media platforms, there's a great outpouring of testimonials about the love of God demonstrated in CHC. How Pastor Kong, Sun and Pastor Tan made a difference in the lives of so many.

Though the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.

The Crossover Project, that started 10 years ago, has seen thousands of lives changed and transformed. Ordinary folks like me have experienced the power of God, listened to Sun's testimony and Pastor Kong's messages of faith.

Now if you were that hopeless and aimless youth/adult, would you be filled with gratitude when someone cares enough to take care of you, teaches you that there is a greater purpose to live for and connects you to the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords?

Allegations are allegations. My trust is with Pastor Kong, Sun, Pastor Tan, Eng Han, Sharon, John Lam, Meng Hao and Jacqueline. This will not stop me from attending CHC, from worshipping, from tithing, from doing my best. We are not people who are blinded, or idolise the leadership. Simply said, we are just fools for Christ, to build and expand His Kingdom, whichever way God has spoken to the leadership.

It is not a religion I subscribe to, but a relationship that I'm connected in.

We are family.
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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

When everything is in a mess and nothing seems to be going my way, my God reigns. He is in control, He never forsakes and He is here.

He is above all, the greatest among all and He will never fail me.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Times when I wish I could do more for something or someone.. 

I strongly believe one of the ways I show love and appreciation is by acts of service. 

Though sometimes people do not know, but at the end of the day, as long as others are blessed, I am blessed.


HH encouraged me, saying that I was the best house captain for the camp.. I was quite humbled and encouraged because I felt that I did not do a lot, neither did I really "rah-rah" the house all the time. All the other house captains were just as amazing and awesome.

We all did what we could, to the best of our ability, being available and ready to do whatever that we might have to do. 

End of the day, I thank God for such a great opportunity to serve alongside the leaders. Watching them run the camp was amazing; they brought unity and such great effectiveness in the camp. Though there were hiccups, solutions were never too far away and no problem too difficult for them to handle. 

I remember HH sharing with me last year that as we serve, there must be joy in doing what we are doing, then it won't be tiring.

I recall having lots of laughter and joy together with the other house captains, the commandants as we went through each day. I looked forward to meeting the other captains, the commandants and the members. Everyone was having fun, cheering and encouraging each other on.

At the end of the day, the toughness and tiredness is not remembered. But whats left at the end of the day, is the joy in serving.. The joy in seeing lives changed and transformed for God.. The joy of being in His presence, worshiping Him. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Heaven on Earth

MJ Zone "Live Strong" Camp 2012 has ended, but its just the beginning of a new chapter, a new season in the lives of many.

Despite the tiredness, feeling uncomfortable and thirsty all day, once the presence of God came... It felt like heaven on earth.

Its a feeling that cannot be comprehended. A feeling that no words can express the love, admiration and gratitude I have for God. He came and did a surgery in my heart.. He came and took away all my tiredness and gave me strength to believe.

I did not see any mighty vision or received a mighty prophecy.... But God's presence was more than enough for me. I could do this all my life, for more of His presence... More of Him in my life.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Spirit -> Soul -> Body

Spirit and Soul must come in agreement before the body can be used by God for His works. Else, it would be just human efforts.

Spirit is constantly in contact and communication with the Holy Spirit. As the Holy Spirit speaks, the soul is just supposed to facilitate the thought, not judge it.

When there is total agreement, no doubts or fears, then the power of God flows through the body, into the lives of others.

Being sensitive to His presence and His voice. Allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through me, into the lives of others. Carrying and being aware of Him.

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Monday, June 04, 2012

Lingering thoughts are kinda the worst kind of memories. They just linger around and pops up whenever there's a trigger or at random moments.

Especially worst when the memories do seem somewhat similar to the situations/circumstance. Then random negative thoughts start filling up your mind and you kinda start feeling down and defeated.

Put on e mind of Christ, the bible says.

So one can only assume that daily, regularly and habitually, one HAS to put ON the mind of Christ. Its not a natural thing to do, but after developing it, I suppose it should become something as natural as putting on clothes, or even brushing teeth twice daily.

When one puts on the mind of God, how are the negative thoughts dissipated? Its very unlikely that mindless repetitive confession of a bible verse would help, UNLESS its a Rhema Word from God.

The Word is a lamp onto our feet. The Word gives very clear directions. And the Word, the Logos, resides in our mind. It becomes a Rhema when it strikes a chord with our heart and immediately the mind is renewed.

And when its a Rhema Word, the repetitive confession of a bible verse helps because one BELIEVES in it. The mind then renews because the heart is convinced.

The truth of the matter, is the heart.

Guard your heart, for out of it springs the issues of life.

How do we guard our hearts?

Everyday we choose to believe what we want to believe in. A rich man can believe that he's in poverty and chooses to work extra time to earn extra cash, yet a not-so-rich man can believe that he's living in abundance and chooses to spend time with his family.

If I choose to believe that people are against me, then people ARE against me. Which results in my heart being heavily guarded and defensive against people, because I believed that they are against me and they will hurt me. So in order not to be hurt by them, I build walls all around my heart.

Circumstances, encounters and experiences can change beliefs. Praise God for the good ones as they strengthen our beliefs in others, in ourselves.

But the bad ones? They too can become a stepping stone and probably some of the most important decisions ever made is during tough times. Decisions like letting go, forgiving and choosing to love.
Always not easy to guard our hearts. Sometimes we have been so wounded, its so difficult. Heartbreak can be literally felt and as you cry out, it feels like no one understands.

Yet there is a High Priest who does understand, and He never fails to be with me.

I may feel alone, but I never am.

What am I believing in? Its not just about the positive confessions... But what do I really believe in?

Let there be a rhema, to renew my mind.

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If I under value myself, then I allow others to under value myself too.
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Sunday, June 03, 2012

Its often said that if something is good, it will be worth waiting for it.

So while in the midsts of waiting, do things and prepare yourself for the day when you get what you have been waiting for.

Its like, "Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."

Be it the area of your calling, ministry, relationships or finances, do not grow weary.

Not getting tired doing the 'boring' things over and over again. Not tired doing the same old routine repeatedly. Not tired being good. The Word of God promises us that we will reap what we have sown.

Sometimes the outcome may not be what we expect. But God's ways are higher than our ways. We may feel 'cheated', but trust in Him and in His heart, that He gives the best gifts for us.

What we think is the best, may not be the best for us.

Open up your mind, your heart. What God is doing in your life, in my life?

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