Monday, March 30, 2009

We were Soldiers- Final Battle Scene (song Sgt.MacKenzie)

Joel 3:9-11 (Message Bible)

Announce this to the godless nations:
Prepare for battle!
Soldiers at attention!
Present arms! Advance!
Turn your shovels into swords,
turn your hoes into spears.
Let the weak one throw out his chest
and say, "I'm tough, I'm a fighter."
Hurry up, pagans! Wherever you are, get a move on!
Get your act together.
Prepare to be
shattered by God!


Recently I watched this show called, "We Were Soldiers" starring Mel Gibson. It was amazing. It spoke of how this particular officer prepared his guys for war in Vietnam, out numbered and without much information from the higher ups.

This is what he said before they left for Vietnam.

"Look around you. In the 7th Cavalry, we got a captain from the Ukraine, another from Puerto Rico. We got Japanese, Chinese, blacks, Hispanics, Cherokee Indians, Jews and Gentiles—all American. Now here in the States, some men in this unit may experience discrimination because of race or creed, but for you and me now, all that is gone. We're moving into the valley of the shadow of death, where you will watch the back of the man next to you, as he will watch yours, and you won't care what color he is or by what name he calls God. They say we're leaving Home. We're going to what home was always supposed to be. Let us understand the situation. We're going into battle against a tough and determined enemy. I can't promise you that I will bring you all home alive, but this I swear, before you and before almighty God: that when we go into battle, I will be the first one to set foot on the field, and I will be the last to step off. And I will leave no one behind. Dead or alive, we will all come home together. So help me God."

Very much in relation to Jesus-

Jesus is like our Commander. Before we set our foot into battle, He has already been there and brought us victory. Jesus never leaves us behind, He promises to be always with us and to bring us through the toughest moments.

Jesus is colourblind. He doesn't look at the colour of your skin. But He looks at your heart.

Jesus says that the temptations are real, but He says there is not a temptation so hard that we will break.

It's quite amazing to see the common grace of God at work throughout the show. I can't quite mention it here because you've to watch it to feel it for yourself.

The youtube Video above is the final battle scene. Hopelessly outnumbered by the Viet, but because of the courage shown by the commander, and him leading the way, and superior tactics, they managed to run over the viets.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009


It is just one simple word that divides the world into half.

To one, the cup is always half full, but to the other, its half empty.

If only everyone can be content with what they have, but continue to work hard to achieve more, wouldn't this place be a happier place?

Some people are just paying their lives off debts. Paying off things that they wanted, but not needed. They don't seem to care, because they are not contented with what they have.

Do I have to show everyone that I'm wearing the latest branded clothes? Why can't I get something as nice, but cheaper?

I can be the worst situation in my life, but see it as something God is using to mould me.

Life's quite short already, why do you want to torture yourself with such negative thoughts? Fill yourself with the powerful positive energies, see things in a different light!!

Don't be like the person beside you.

Lead the person beside you; and follow Jesus.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

The Power Within You.

We always hear quotes like, "Greater is He who's in me, than he who's in the world." and many other quotes similar to that concept.

How many times has everyone said yes and amen to that? At least once!

So why do some people stumble and fall whenever they face an obstacle, or simply give up and ask God to take it away?

Some even wallow in self-pity and start feeling useless.

Don't they all know that greater is He who's in us, than he who's in the world?

Yes, they all know. But the situation is always different. That quote can never be applied to their situation. But but but, but this but that.

What's the problem here?

Knowing something is different from believing something.

If you know that I'm a male, you may not believe that my name is Joel. Simply because you don't believe!

But if you know and believe, you believe everything that's said.

And so if you believe God, and He is Someone that wouldn't lie. He says that greater is He who's in YOU, which means that within you contains this certain anointing.

In you is an abundance of wealth, wisdom, knowledge, love and victories.

What's the use of crying, drowning in self pity when God has already given you victory?

isn't it easier, emotionally, for you to tap into the river of God, freshen up and keep walking, than to become emotionally tired or even shutdown and feel super lousy?

As everything around you pressures in, are you able to withstand the pressure from within? Or do you simply succumb to the pressure and give up?

Greater is He who's in me, than he who's in the world.

No matter how strong the enemy is, the victory has already been won. Don't give the enemy glory.

Overcoming difficulties and challenges is never about doing it yourself. But it's working on a supernatural realm, receiving that ability to breakthrough and the strength to not fall back again. If you're doing things by your own strength, you'll find yourself to be weary. But if you're tapping into the resource that's in you, you'll find strength.

No matter what's thrown at you, you'll be able to laugh at the face of adversity, point your fingers at it and say "Greater is He who's in me, than he who's in the world!"

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Haven't blogged for a long time!

I've been reading books, friction ones, recommended by Bernice. So far I've completed five books.

- Anansi Boys by Neil Gailman
- Italian Job by John Grisham
- Anne Frank (Non-Friction)
- Bleachers by John Grisham
- Rainmaker by John Grisham

No rewards for guessing who's my favorite author right now.

I'm amazed at the speed I'm completing these books too. Rainmaker got to be the thickest book, but I completed it within two days. Really quite an amazing feat, knowing that I used to take ages to finish reading a book.

I feel like I'm being transported into another place whenever I pick up the book to read. It's quite amazing how a simple book is able to capture so much of your attention that you'll find yourself reading it whenever you're free.

Anne Frank was quite amazing. Not as thick as Rainmaker, but I managed to complete reading it in one day. Anne Frank is a diary written by a Jewish girl during the time when Hitler was killing them. When I finished reading it, I had the shivers and I couldn't sleep. Not that it's scary, but it's like you feel for her so much that you just can't do nothing about it.

I'm probably heading to the library soon to borrow more of John Grisham's books and at the same time, read the other books that have collected dust on my shelf.

I'm still unemployed! =/

ACP Computers are very keen on hiring me, but they need to find a school that's keen on hiring me. Went for an interview at Bukit Timah Primary School, but the principal specifically mentioned that they are looking for someone with animation experience because they want to equip their students for the N-E Mation Contest.

Focus on the Family is also keen on hiring me, but working there will be like serving in a ministry. Not that I mind, but it means taking much time off during weekdays and weekdays, working in their newly opened Jurong outlet. Though the prospect seems good, I'm not quite sure if this would work out well for me.

Having to balance time between Church, Cellgroup, Bernice and Work would be quite difficult. Working hours is like 10am to 9pm, Tuesday to Saturday. There will be shift work, but I doubt so during the early stages of the Jurong outlet.

How I yearn for a Mon-Fri 9am to 6pm job, that pays and treats me well. How I hope and pray that it's not another sales company and definitely not insurance. How I hope that it's not mundane work, and there's a good career prospect. Wages wise, I'm not asking for $2000, but I'm willing to even consider $1,600.

Interviews are starting to get really draggy! Toying with the idea that maybe it will really be a great time to start studying again. Three years in SIM and do miracles, three years to tide through the crisis. I'll graduate with a degree, with a smirk on my face, I'm ready for the workforce again.

Maybe I can do law, after reading John Grisham's book, I find it really interesting. I'll not belong to the upper echelons, but I'll be the honest and hardworking one. Win a trial that awards my client 50 million bucks and I'm done.

LOL. Don't burst my bubble please.