Sunday, August 14, 2005


praise God!! my mom signed up for maxonline 6500 and they gave away a HP pocketPC as part of the promotion!!! though its not the latest model, but quite a number of church members are using that model and it seems rather well liked=D

pastor kong shared about worship today and even though it was a repeated sermon, and my third time listening to it, i learnt so much more and understood things better. pastor phil shared that worship is when God is the ONLY one in our life.

joshua clearly showed that God is His only one in his life. though he wasn't the outstanding leader, God used him to bring the israelites to the promised land. joshua oftened lingered in the presence of God, without any agenda!! he simply loved the presence of God and he often stayed behind to pray, to dwell in the presence of God.

when we have an intimate relationship with God, He reveals secrets to us!! isn't that amazing?

God is looking for someone who's after His heart. not someone who's after His heart and with conditions attached to it. someone who's willing to lay down his life in exchange of all of Him. not knowing what the future may bring; just wanting to serve God.

often people ask me whats my plan after the army, and i'll rattle off - i'll enroll into the SOT and hopefully by then, i'll get into full time ministry.

i realized that such plans is not serving God, but its ministry. its like telling God what i want to do for Him, instead of what He wants me to do. furthermore, the bible says that we can never be assured of what tomorrow comes. everything happens by the grace of God, by His divine timing.

its great to have visions, as they're from the Lord. but to have plans is another thing altogether. bible says if we don't plan, we plan to fail. but we have to plan with the fear of the Lord. when God gave a vision, His people planned. why? because God never fails to make the vision come to past.

back to worship =)

worshipping God is definitely amazing. pastor ming once said that he doesn't understand why some people worship God and their facial expression doesn't change. its always a -_- look, even when its fast beat songs.

kinda understood that today as i found myself FULL of expressions, singing till my throat hurt, giving my best to my Lord and i looked around and saw people just standing there clapping their hands with that i-can't-be-bothered look.

really sad seeing that happening. is our God such a boring God that you can't stir yourself up and praise Him? please don't say that you worship Him in your heart, because whatever your heart expresses, your physical being expresses it too.

oh well. i'm not in the position to judge people too. heh~


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