Saturday, August 23, 2008

SOT'08 has officially ended.

It has been a really exciting 5 months in CHBTC.

This 5 months is nothing short of an adventure with Jesus. The endless assignments, bible reading and examinations is enough for sleepless nights. But there's still cellgroups to attend, mission trips to go for, conferences and early morning prayer meetings!

But it was never a drag for me to attend classes every morning, praising and worshiping God or finishing my assignments.

In SOT, I learned to be understanding. I started becoming meek and not get easily offended by others. In SOT, my faith in God grew and I experienced Him in so many different ways!

He's never late, always on time. His promise for me came to past! That everything will be settled, that I do not have to worry about finances.

Now that SOT has ended, a new chapter begins.

What lies ahead maybe hazy, but now I've the faith to trust God and His ways, that He has a great plan and destiny for me. Being equipped with the Word, I can now be an effective minister of Jesus.

Having much "head knowledge" about Jesus Christ, now is the time to experience it!

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