Sunday, October 11, 2009

Has technology made man unfriendly?

iPods are such common devices. Everywhere we go, we see people with the white earphones. But has this piece of advanced technology replaced human touch, affection or communication?

Its common to see couples, husband and wife listening to music or watching movies on their iPods. But they are watching their own programs, listening to their own music. Perhaps its a desire for personal time and space? But shouldn't we include our spouse in our daily activities? What's worst is when one of the two watches a show, while the other stones away on the journey home.

Whatever happened to the love and romance from the start? I'm sure every couple starts sharing and spending time together like super glue in the beginning of a relationship. So when the attraction fades off, you say you need personal space? And then indulge in activities that only you like.

I feel that its such a heart wrenching sight.

Share your music, movies and shows together with a loved one. Keep the passion going! Be on the same page with your other half!


I'm on the bus now and I noticed this particular couple engrossed with their own iPods. Not the first time I've seen couples like this. Perhaps they really like to do their own things on their own once in a while.

But not me! Haha. I would want to share music, shows or whatever with Bernice. No interest? I'll try to develop an interest in it. No understanding? I'll not mock at it anymore.

Hey! Cherish your relationships!!

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