Thursday, June 17, 2010

Back from the Fired Up Camp!

Its probably one of the best camps I ever participated in. It felt like Asia Conference, in a zone level.

Our sessions with Pst MJ and Jason were amazing. It was like a build up on each other and I just got so hungry and thirsty for more of His presence and His Word.

Learnt and got reminded of many thing regarding leadership.

I went to the camp, guarded, ready for any form of sudden "arrows", thinking that it would be a "step out of your comfort zone" camp. But I was totally wrong. Right from the first session, I could feel myself breaking, and desiring for more of Him.

The floodgates opened when Jason ministered to us on the second day. I really cannot express what went on during that period of time, but all I know is that I do not want to depend on my own natural strength to lead anymore.

I desire to move in signs and wonders, in sensitivity towards the Holy Spirit and in obedience to Him.

I could feel what a shepherd should be like, caring and tending for his sheep, no matter what happens.

I could feel the heartbreak and burden for a sheep that's wayward, the love and acceptance for the sheep and the sense of joy a shepherd has for the sheep.

Learnt about leadership too. Achieving the objective that was being set for us.

It's gonna be a greater time ahead!

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