Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Quite recently, I was reminded of an encounter I had.

I shared this encounter with my cellgroup, during my first ever birthday celebrations in church.

I saw myself as a painter and there were canvases in front of me. Some canvas were plain, some were torn and some had been painted on before but the colours were dull.

Then I saw the canvases being restored, given a fresh coat of paint. They look brand new.

In my hands was a palette, full of colours. I started adding colours to the canvases and one by one, the vibrant colours filled the canvas.. I was very pleased with the work, the transformation.

Then I heard myself telling my CG members that I want to be a painter for God, adding colours into the lives of others, and watch their lives transformed by the glory and power of God.

Sent via BlackBerry from SingTel!

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