Sunday, February 05, 2012

Bible teaches us not to judge, lest we get judged ourselves.

At a course I attended recently, I realized that many of the thoughts, things that I say are actually very judgmental! Based on what I see, I "judged" the person. It may be a reflection of what the person is feeling, but it's not 100% accurate.

That experience got me thinking very hard. I understand that the verse means that we do not condemn another Christian who might have sinned, but we lovingly educate the Christian, in hope of leading the person to repentance. Closely related to discipleship, it is extremely important, however if its not done properly, relationships would be broken and it would lead to disappointments and hurts.

I also realized that sometimes my perspective of someone do affect the way I communicate to that person and it is potentially dangerous as I am not demonstrating love in my actions.

As the younger generations are getting better education and unlimited access on the Internet, it is increasingly difficult to contain and shape them to be of a certain "pattern" and "style". Everyone's into expressing and being themselves.

The danger lies when I become "judgmental" in my point of view and feel that maybe that person is not ready because they did not display a certain "trait". I also believe that if I really want to, I would be able to find flaws in that person, just to justify myself.

But that's being totally judgmental isn't it?

What was going on in the person's mind? What caused them to do what they did? How did they arrive at the decision?

My guess is that sometimes we do not even know the answers to the questions above, and we jump into conclusion. Many times, I have done it myself, often accusing students for not paying attention or being extremely lazy. But usually after probing, its usually linked with something that affected their morale, their emotional well-being.

No matter what, nobody likes to be judged wrongly.

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