Monday, July 05, 2004

restless day...

woke up late and i rushed down to meet xuanzhu and binghui at the bus stop. we finally got to board the bus at 7.40 and i was very sure that we're gonna be late for our class.

reached class at 8.15 and i wrote my name on the whiteboard, indicating my arrival time. at the end of the lesson, my lecturer told me that she would not mark me late as i arrived in the 15 minutes grace time. thank God~!!

frankly, for the rest of the day, i practically stoned through classes and mass messaged my friends super lame stuffs. asking them if they are missing me right now~ hehz..

praise God~! we would be having Church without Walls seminar!! -hops- instead of the Isaiah Bible Studies, Pastor Kong felt the Holy Spirit instructing him to change it to Church without Walls seminar. amen!!!

i can't wait for the seminar, which starts tomorrow and it would take 3 weeks, 1 day per week to finish it.

its going to be a great message for the entire church!! -hops-

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