Saturday, July 10, 2004

the time is NOW, grab it and make FULL use of it!

straight after school ended today, i made my way down to church. i had Christian Lifestyle lessons at 6.30 and i didn't want to be late.

reached church at 6.00pm and i made my way to KFC for my dinner!

got into class and i saw yisheng, a brother from sister sharon's cellgroup, in the class too~ took the seat beside his and waited patiently for the class to start.

brother darren then walked into the class. at first, i was quite disappointed~ i was expecting brother kimhock!! hAaz~ but, nontheless, brother darren's a great teacher too!

brother darren really made an effort to teach us and he gave us many examples that made me think about. a simple topic like worship, but its so complex and beautiful.

headed down to b4 for service! it seems that there is so much more people today! the auditorium was packed and there were still people moving about~ i could not help but vision the entire church packed on a normal service and we would have to start another new service! =D

service, testimonys and Pastor Kong. hEh hEh~ there's so many GREAT activities coming up! i can't wait!! you guys really got to join me in the services~

yeah~ i'll be joining my scouts for a overnight hike~ the best news is that i'll be cycling! hAaz! thank God i do not have to walk~ =D and thanks to alvin, who willingly lent me his precious bike.

one last piece of good news~ my entire zone is shifting to service 5~~!! 11.30am to 1.30pm on sunday!! its almost like a dream come true cause i would be able to serve on 2 other services on sunday!! woohoo!! -hops- praise the Lord!

i can dwell in God's presence~!

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