Thursday, April 08, 2004

i think my "processing" rate at night is really getting slower and slower. just came back from church as we had bible studies - book of isaiah. well, it talked about the second coming of Christ, and what happened before, and after Christ came.

well, i was sort of "blank" during the sermon, but i didn't stone. i merely copied down whatever Pastor Kong said, and tried to relate it to myself. well, i felt that i was becoming like Israel, compromising, thus falling short of God's glory. thinking back, i used to be really on the fire? no matter how late or tired, i would pray for at least 20 minutes? and there would be standard stuffs that i pray about.

but now, its just thanking God for the blessings and the day, and committing the next day into his hands. sigh~ i see myself really sinking=/ and i'm not saving myself~!? whats wrong with me!?

was chatting with alvina, and i told her that i once told my CGL that the challenge starts when school reopens. well, its so true!! my CGL even reminded me to take notice and be careful, but i didn't listen, thus ending up in this state. urgh!!!

i need to force myself?

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