Sunday, July 17, 2005

first offical duty in the elites.

was informed that i may have to escort Pastor Tan, if Pastor Sun were to appear in church. was kinda excited about this assignment, but it never came to past~

nevertheless, i helped booked lifts, carried stuffs for other pastors and at the end of the day, Pastor Kong thanked us personally.

Arise and Build 2005!!

sat in for 2 services and was greatly challenged by Pastor Kong. the presence of God filled the entire auditorium and everyone pledged for 6 months.

listened to Bro Michael sharing about his experience in the past arise and build and its really magnificent. everyone did their part when we shifted to jurong west, even Pastor Kong and Pastor Sun swept the floor.

giving something precious, that means something to us, to build God a house IN the MARKETPLACE, FOR the MARKETPLACE, to PENETRATE the MARKETPLACE!!

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