Friday, July 22, 2005

was reading some of my really old posts and it really tickled me a lot. in the past, i would write about what i did throughout the day; boring people out.

now i write about what i learn in church or do in church and i hope it doesn't bore you out~ =P

seriously thank God for blogs like that. as i read through my old entries, i thank God He has changed me from the inside. i've been in church for 1 year and 9 months and i feel as though i've been in church for 20 years of my life.

my faith level grew consistantly and though there were dark moments, i thank God His guidance was near.

i was like a child back then. but slowly, my posts became more and more centralized on God and my thoughts became more and more mature. thank God for it!! it would be terrible for a 21 year old guy stuck with a 16 year old maturity.

some posts triggered past memories and definitely, foolishness. but i guess all these had happened and it has 1 way or another, moulded me to who i am today. BUT, thats not all~! my journey is far from being completed and i've a DESTINY to fulfill in Christ!

i cannot look back anymore and i can only look forward and press onto my goal.

was with karen in the school library earlier and she shared something important. we must NEVER forget our foundations as we rise up. the more we go back to the basics, the stronger our foundation will be and the HIGHER we would rise up.

she also shared about how she gauge other's spiritual level and her exciting stories regarding church.

the more i listened to her, the more i realized i've underestimated her. she's definitely a leader, on fire for God and purely after His will. though she may appear "blurish" and quiet, she's very detailed when it comes to God and she's definitely a strong woman of God.

definitely attractive, if you ask me. hahazz=P

then i chatted with samantha cheong in msn. she shared about her journey to school and the revelations she had. was greatly encouraged by them and amazed by the way God speaks to her even in bus journeys.

pray that God would speak to me more when i'm not falling asleep on the bus to school~ ahhaz=)

free day tomorrow!! don't know what to do, yet. any suggestions?

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