Wednesday, April 06, 2005

how amazing.

my PCS lecturer decided to call me at 11.30am, woke me up, and asked for my tutorial sheets. best of all, he's giving me 2 days to complete 6 tutorials.

why now!?

he said that there are some tutorial sheets at his table, but he doubts that they belong to me. but i remember handling them up!! not all, but at least some of them!! though i can't remember if i wrote my name on it~ loLz=P

i'm not ranting about it, but i want to thank God for this situation as the tutorial is at least 10% weightage of the overall result and if i were to submit all the tutorials, it means that i would have 10 marks confirmed.

10 marks is A LOT and based on my performance during the finals, i REALLY need that 10 marks!! thank GOD!!!

the importance of tutorials~ ah...

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