Thursday, January 15, 2004

finally woke up, but i still feel extremely uncomfortable. body aches, sore throat and fatigue? i feel that my body's immune system is extremely fragile. everytime when there's flu viruses in the air, i would catch it too=/ i think i seriously lack vegetables and vitamin C?

i don't feel like going to school later, but today's lesson is worth 10% sheer torture.

read my sister's blog too. hehxz, what more can i ask for, when i have such a caring and understanding sister. she would defend me, whenever i'm in trouble and offer advices if im stuck. though we might argue from time to time due to fatigue and stress, we do not chop each other's head off. i learnt how to give in, and control my temper, but i'm not-that-successful, yet.

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