Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Common Test, Day Three.

i'm doomed.

after studying hours of DM, referring to worksheets and asking friends questions, it all came down to one final moment. the moment we stepped into the exam hall, flipped our papers to the first page, the silence was so eerie that it could have damaged my ear drums.

the format's SO different from the revision and past year papers!!

all the hardwork almost went ALL down into the drain.

well, 4 questions, out of which 3 of them were 3 questions. i'm fairly confident of the first question and i made sure that i had the right answers before attempting the other questions.

question 2 was almost similar to question 1, and i spent more then 15 minutes thinking before a revelation came into my mind. well, not a bibical phrase, but i noticed that its almost similar to question 1.

flurrious writing.

sigh~ then the trouble came. faced 2 other questions that i had no idea what to do with it. so, with the best knowledge i could gather, i started to solve it. before i knew it, the lecturers announced that there's only 10 minutes left, and i've got question 4 unattended.

started scribbling down solutions for question 4, but i guess its just all wrong.

well, test aside. its over~

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