Sunday, August 15, 2004

didn't blog last night as i was pretty tired~ couldn't gather my thoughts.

saturday -

met up with patricia and we headed to city hall to meet her cellgroup leader, mirabell. she gave patricia bible studies and mirabell even printed a copy for me to go through too~ =D

the bible studies was about deliverance, and i was immediately hooked onto it~ i guess patricia have never seen me so serious before, she couldn't stop laughing in the beginning. loLz=P

after finishing bible studies, we met up with the other kids who would be watching the performance - The Spook Show by Faith Community Baptise Church.

its a really great show put up by Pastor Khong and his daughter, Priscilla. they were performing "spiritual" stuffs that meddled with the spirits and the devil. but, its all an illusion.

at the beginning, i was really shocked. i asked patricia if that's really his pastor as the magic tricks he was performing involved something like blackmagic and if my memory serves me right, i remember that God condemns blackmagic! haHaz~

but, after the performance, Pastor Khong started to explain his reasons why he did such a performance and even assured everyone that whatever he did were all illusions. then, when he gave the altar call, thousands of people responded and went forward to receive Christ in their lives.

sunday -

City Harvest Church 15th anniversary! woke up pretty early and recomfirmed the number of friends that would be joining me~ thank God for herman, weiming, patricia, michelle, shawna, joyce, angeline and binghui, who was extremely late.

met up with charmaine and her sister, Sister Sharon drove us to CCK to wait for the shuttlebus to church.

finally, we reached church and it was really packed. bought my friends down with ease before rushing up the stairs to get joyce and angeline down again. but, they took a pretty long time and by the time they reached, we almost lost our seats at the auditorium. thank God, the seats were not given away to other people~

parade of ministry!! some of the performances were really nice~ JAMs Ministiry, Children Church, Infants Ministry, Vocals Ministry and SECURITY!! =D

Pastor Kong gave a short little sermon - 4 keys to survive stress.

great message at this time!! the poly common tests are coming next week and i guess most people are feeling a little stressed right now. Pastor Kong's really right when he said, saying is easy but doing it is difficult.


its never easy not to worry about things that may happen and getting a little frustrated over the way things were done.

i think the spirit of excellence is taking over the spirit of sloppyness and im starting to think differently - like how should things be done.

i started to realise it when today's incidents didn't flow the way i expected. there were many hiccups and it caused slight disruptions. though you may think that its fine, but i guess that to a certain extend, its not the way we should do things.

things are meant to be done in a organised way. yes, its true that Christians have to be flexible, but not in a sloppy manner! if thats the case, how can we give glory to God?

or is it that im getting more and more dominant?

anyway, praise the Lord~ the harvest is PLENTIFUL! hAhaz! 2 days of witnessing large numbers of people responding and accepting Christ in their lives really encouraged me a lot.

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